Find Yourself
Before you can discover what your passions are, you first need to discover yourself.
Ask yourself who am I? What makes me tick? What makes me, me? It’s one thing to know who you are, but it’s another when you can own who you are. Knowing who you are and owning it is the first step to becoming UNCONFIND. It’s the beginning of a beautiful journey that will make life oh so much more enjoyable. Over the past two years, I’ve personally had a lot of time on my hands where I was forced to sit in my thoughts and came face to face with who I was and realized who I wanted to be. Within that time, I was able to do a lot of self-introspection, self-reflection, and begin self-regeneration.
Self-introspection is the process of attempting to directly access one’s own internal psychological processes, judgments, perceptions, or mental states. Introspection gives you access to understanding yourself fully. It is taking the time to learn about who you are and who you have been in the past. The past can be a scary thing for some because it may contain many ugly undeniable truths that one may keep under lock and key or it could remind you of things you never wanted to remember. Carrying this baggage isn’t healthy and facing it is the first step to growing as people. The fact is, the past molded us into who we are now. You can’t outrun the past, it will always find a way to catch up with you. The earlier you accept that, live in it, embrace it, own it, the earlier you can begin self-reflection.
Self-reflection lets you process what you’ve learned from self-introspection. It’s a form of meditation or inquiring serious thoughts about one’s character, actions, and motives. Involving the examination, contemplation, and analysis of one’s thoughts, feelings. Both self-introspection and self-reflection aren’t easy to accomplish. I personally needed a guide to help me go through my past to reconnect with my present self. I needed help and I asked for it, which was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Now, if you can do it on your own it takes patience, self-control, and mindfulness techniques to achieve it.
Self-regeneration is having the capability to change oneself without external agency or intervention, like a moral reform or spiritual rebirth. It’s like leveling up into a mature upgraded version of yourself. It could be as simple as being able to redefine what you may view to be a flaw or weakness and to be able to turn it into a strength that is a positive addition to your character. Or maybe taking an “imperfection”, which is a constant nuisance that plays into your insecurities, and flipping into admiration that fuels your confidence. Think of changing your mindset from the glass is half empty to half full. Regeneration is respecting yourself. Allowing yourself to elevate and rid of toxic traits you acquired along the way. It can be a spiritual awakening or come in a form of opening the “third eye”. To be clear, self-regeneration does not mean becoming the perfect human being. It is transforming yourself into who you feel you need to be within that current chapter of life that you’re in.
I believe evolution is never-ending. To minimize ourselves from growth is the worst harm a person can do to themselves.
Don’t know where to start? Here are some websites that may help you:
-16 personalities is a website that contains the Myers Briggs test. It is a self-help assessment test that helps people gain insights into how they work and learn. This website also offers you a community online to connect with others similar or different from you.
-If you’re into astrology and know your birthday information, you might just be surprised with what astrology has to offer. Don’t knock it until you read it.
-I am an advocate for mental health and therapy. Therapy guided me to learn how to do all these things I’ve mentioned above, maybe it could be your tour guide too.