To be unconfind

Picture of the beach with the saying, as free as the sky, as big as the ocean with unconfind logo

Picture of the beach with the saying, as free as the sky, as big as the ocean with unconfind logo

Have you ever been told that you have to choose one path to become successful? That having your hands in too many pots can make one untethered to reality? People shame those who jump from one thing to the next, they call them all “over the place” when it comes to their journey of finding their passion. When in reality, who are we to judge someone for doing something, we ourselves, would rather want to do. There is an old saying that is used as a negative connotation when it comes to describing someone who explores many things, “A jack of all trades, a master of none.” Ever since I was young, I’ve never understood why it was bad to be a jack of all trades and I’ve always wondered if it was possible to be a “jack of all trades, master of some.” For those who think similarly to me, UNCONFIND might just be the place for you.

What is unconfined? Unconfined is living beyond the barrier. It is entering uncharted realms to satisfy the inquisitive seeker in you. Being unconfined is to have that drive that compels someone to do and want more, instead of settle. Whether it be to leave your job to explore that hobby you are passionate about, or to be able to balance everything you want while keeping the job you enjoy. 

Labels are restrictions to many. Whether it be career-wise, sexuality, gender, race, talent, etc. No one wants to be defined as one thing. This decade is about the nonconforming, the creators, and out-of-the-box livers of the world. Entrepreneurial mindsets, to living in a hut on a beach, happiness is found through passion, not necessarily through purpose. Sometimes you might find your purpose through passion exploration, but you would never know because society makes you decide so early. When entering college you have to declare a major, if not, you are seen as lost and ill-prepared. So many of us become business majors because why not, It’s where the money resides. Some choose communication knowing about how reliant corporations are on that field and that there will be many job opportunities regarding their major.

Today we see many talented young adults becoming successful while being in every space they are passionate about. From actors who not only act, but direct, make music, and write books. To musical artists becoming politicians, fashion designers, and screenplay writers. We are entering a new era, this new generation has said, “fuck the status quo!” 

My brand, UNCONFIND, is for the people who naturally feel like they never fit into one label or box. It’s for the ones whose interest wavers like seasons, passions changing then suddenly becoming that stoic passionate lifetime grind. It is for the innovative, the rebellious, and the unconventional. It’s for the people who walk by the beat of their own drum. The ones who don’t want to follow the rules, but create them. Let us help you FIND your way. To be UNCONFIND is to find yourself.


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